This brief provides a macro level analysis of the data collected using Kira Machine Learning Contract Data Extraction and manual reviews of contracts of 3,502 CBAs analyzed by staff and volunteers of Campaign Zero. The report ends with a case study of how the Austin Justice Coalition (AJC), with support from CZ staff and resources,…
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From OpenSecrets Police unions and associations have collectively contributed over $121 million to state political candidates since the 1990s as well, an OpenSecrets analysis found. Congressional campaigns have also received over $1.2 million dollars from more than 50 such unions and law enforcement PACs since the 1994 election cycle – benefiting more than 65% of current Congress members.
Study: Our estimates imply that collective bargaining rights led to a substantial increase in violent
incidents of misconduct among sheriffs’ offices, relative to police departments. The effect of
collective bargaining rights is concentrated among sheriffs’ offices that subsequently adopted
collective bargaining agreements, and the adoption of these agreements is associated with
increases in violent misconduct.
Study: when states have a Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, there is a greater hurdle to police accountability.